Not only is his career field limited, but it still continues. Apart from being a politician, he also works as a commentator and a prominent analyst in the popular news channel named Fox News. Apart from that, he also works as a debate holder in another popular news channel named CBSN by making focus groups mainly during or after the presidential debates. Gradually with time, he has established his career in not one or two but in many varied fields. He is also a popular writer of books that are based not only on business-related topics but in the varied field such as Communication Strategies with the client as well as on public opinions. On the other, in the month of January in this very year that is in 2021 itself, he announced that he would no longer be a part of the Republican.

Childhood and Education

Born on the 23rd of February in 1962 in the beautiful city of West Hartford, which is in Connecticut, was none other than but the popular commentator of named Frank Ian Luntz. He was born in a family of reputed writers that is Phyllis and Lester Luntz. They together wrote the popular book, which was regarded as the first Forensic Dentistry textbook of America. Other than that, his root is traced back to Jews. Though not much is known about his middle school, we still know about his high school. He completed his high school years with flying colors from the esteemed high school named Hall High School. After completing high school, he got enrolled in the University of Pennsylvania. He persuaded his bachelor’s degree in arts in history and in Political Science. Being an intelligent student and being passionate about politics, he made his way to the popular college named Trinity College, which is in Oxford. From there, he earned his doctorate degree in Political Science.


Not only is he passionate about politics, but he is also a prominent consultant as well as one of the major panel members in most of the leading television news companies, namely The Colbert Report, Capital Gang, Good Morning America, Hannity, Hardball with Chris Matthews, Meet the Press, PBS NewsHour, Nightline, The O’ Reilly Factor, Real Time with Bill Maher and The Today Show. Not only is his career field limited to being a consultant, but he is also a writer. He wrote popular op-eds for renowned publications, namely The Financial Times, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal as well as The Washington Post. Apart from being a consultant and working for his own state that is America, he is also known for his work in the popular news channel of Britain named Newsnight. His career field is not limited to being a consultant and analyst, but he is also a professor in a popular university named the University of Pennsylvania. He earned the opportunity of being a professor in 1989 and continued up to 1996. Apart from that, he also worked as a professor other two popular universities, namely George Washington University and the Harvard University. Till now, we have known he is a consultant and analyst, but he is also a popular writer. His main focus of writing is on business-related issues as well as for improving communications with the clients and improving its public relations. He wrote his first book in 2007 titled Words that Work: It’s Not What You Say it’s What People Hear. Being such a great writer, he made his way to the list of Best Sellers by the New York Times. Followed by the success of his first book, he wrote his second book, which was named What Americans Really Want…Really: The Truth About Our Hopes, Dreams, and Fears. Like his first book, his second book made its way to the list of the Business Best Seller, which was published by the New York Times. His book was ranked in the 6th position. After some time, in the month of March in 20111, he released another of his book named Win: The Key Principles to Take Your Business From Ordinary to Extraordinary.

Net Worth

Being such a prominent political consultant of America who is also a pollster and also a strategist of the Republican Party. Not only that but he also the best-selling writer. With all this, Frank Luntz holds a net worth of somewhere around $15million.

Personal Life

Gradually with time, like any other person, he is also growing old; on the 10th of January in 2020, he went through a stroke. In one of his conferences, he discussed his health issues freely. After some time, he recovered from the attack and was again back in front of the public via the media and with his job as an analyst.

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