The series is set 34 years after the original Karate Kid, and the story is narrated by Johny Lawrence’s point of view. The first season was premiered on 2nd May 2018 and the second season on 24th April 2019, both on YouTube Premium. The popularity of the show has been immense, gaining about 80 million views on YouTube, and the Third Season is likely to release in 2020.

The second Season included the rivalry between Mujagi-Do and Cobra Kai as they were involved in a fight. Daniel’s wife does not want him to continue with Karate, whereas Daniel and Johnny realize their failures. The third season will surely be interesting to watch, and the fans have been ardently waiting for it.

Cobra Kai Release Date

YouTube Premium has announced that it will release Cobra Kai Season 3 in 2020, but as of now, no official announcement had been made. YouTube usually releases a teaser or Trailer two months before the release of a project which has not happened yet. You will have to wait to get a glimpse of the Trailer. It is likely to release in October 2020. The world is currently fighting the Coronavirus Pandemic, and due to that, it is difficult to comment as to when will Season 3 will be released, but as soon as we get an update, we’ll be posting it so you guys can know.

Cobra Kai Season 3 Spoilers and Predictions

Principal Lopez will be back in the third season and will be having a scene with Amanda and Daniel, which will also be consisting of officer Jackson (Chris Gann might be playing officer Jackson). Even though Sammy is okay, officer Jackson might be coming just to see that no one moonwalks out of responsibility at the school after the fight that had taken place on the previous Season. Officer Jackson might prove to be the voice of reality to opposing the Principal. The show always aims for a degree of realism, and even though we don’t know much about Principal Lopez, but we can definitely conclude that he might be one of the dumbest characters in the show till now. Now, talking about the fight, Sammy might not have told her parents about the fight, she probably might have told them that Tory was angry about the drinking game and wanted to get back. It would also make sense because the drinking game did happen actually, and Tory lost. And since they already know Sam was drunk and slept at Johny’s, the story will be believable. But sooner or later, the truth will come out since the truth always prevails. In the 3rd Season, Daniel will probably be going to Okinawa to find his balance, and now there, Daniel will meet Johny, who will be exploring the original roots of Cobra Kai, leading both men to the same place. Both of them will find their origins in the same place and time in history, which will be quite fascinating as both of them took radically different paths, but they originally came from the same route. Now, after this what if Johny and Daniel might even become Sensei partners, and this might be the ending of Season 3 but the beginning of Season 4 as there are rumors that the production house had decided to shoot Season 3 and Season 4 together to reduce the amount spent on production.

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